List of Funds Held at ACF

Agency Funds

Abbotsford Hospice
Abbotsford Police Foundation
Archway Community Services
Archway Community Services – Senior’s Services
Archway Community Services – Food Bank
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Fraser Valley
Fraser Valley Conservancy
Heritage Abbotsford Society
SARA For Women
Tabor Home Society
United Way – Fraser Valley

Donor Advised Funds

Abbotsford 2016 BC Summer Games Legacy
Arts Access
CTC Excellence Award
CTC Welding Excellence Award
Daphne May Smith for Women
Dr. Alex B. Patterson Memorial Fund
Eric Vanderham Memorial
Investors Group Community
Jean Mouat Memorial
John A. and Muriel Murphy Community
Kornelsen Family
Major Singh Gill Memorial
Mary Victoria Wakefield Animal Welfare
Mount Lehman Credit Union Legacy
Paul & Rose Anderson Community
Prospera Ewald Rempel Memorial
Wiebe Properties & Dave Wiebe Memorial
William A. & Violet Mercer Memorial

Donor Designated Funds

Abbotsford Regional Hospital
Beth Nickel Memorial String Award
Christian Benevolent Legacy
Constance Smith Legacy
Dave Kandal Elementary School
David Froese
Dave Froese Family Fund
Dennis Carter & Muffy – Feed the Children
Eugene Reimer Memorial
George Frederick Ferguson Legacy
Gina Petrynko Memorial
Imperial Athletic Scholarship
Jim Latham Memorial
Lorna Keith Endowment for Music
Mary Anne Curtin Children’s Book Fund
Pacific Sport Fraser Valley
Peter & Carole Keighley Animal Welfare
Richard & Helen Randle
Shepherds Watching Over Us
Spud & Jean Huestis Memorial
Tsang Family Dentistry
Valley Royals Track & Field

ACF Endowment Funds

Abbotsford 2006 BC Senior Games
Abbotsford Community Safety Society
Abbotsford Heat Hockey Team
Abbotsford Symphony Orchestra Society
ACF Administration
ACF Housing
ACF Smart & Caring Community
Agriculture Enhancement
John Kroger Fund for Children
Oakland Thompson

Student Award Funds

Abbotsford 2004 BC Summer Games Legacy
Abbotsford Career Firefighters – IAFF Local 2864
Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce
Abbotsford Community Foundation
Abbotsford Dental Group
Abbotsford Female Hockey Association
Abbotsford Lions Club
Abbotsford Masonic Lodge #70
Abbotsford Minor Fastball Association
Abbotsford Minor Hockey Association
Abbotsford Music Educators
Abbotsford Police Board
Abbotsford Principals and Vice Principals Association
Abbotsford Rotary Club
Abbotsford Senior Student Memorial
Abbotsford Soccer Association
Abby Grad 1968
Abby’s Music Society
Access to All
Al Pauls Memorial
Aldergrove Royal Canadian Legion #265
Allstar Mechanical Ltd
Ashley Lowey Memorial
ASIA (Sumas Mountain)
Badesha & Associates
Bass Family Scholarship
Beant Singh Dhaliwal Memorial
Beatrice Marchant Memorial
Beehive Rebekah Lodge #67
Bertram A Bickford Memorial
Board of Education
Calder-Giacchini Memorial
Carole Rempel Memorial
Chad Driediger Memorial
Chalk Spots
Chris Dahl Memorial
Christine Caldwell Memorial for the Arts
CIBC Wood Gundy
Citadel Club Ted Perry Memorial
City of Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service Benevolent Society
Clearbrook Iron Works
Coach Mac Scholarship
Cody Halfpenny Memorial
Complete Eye Care Optometry
Cst. John Davidson “Shine On” Legacy
Dalbir & Pirtveer Gill
Dallas Saunders Memorial
David Shore Memorial
Design2Web IT
Douglas Jacob Rexford Gosling Memorial
Douglas Ward McGimpsey Memorial
Dr. John Muir Memorial
Eileen Hardbattle Memorial
Elizabeth Ann (Liz) Louwersheimer Memorial
Emily Haw Memorial
Erin Burgess Memorial
Eugene Reimer Memorial
Eveline Grace Hardy Memorial
Fandrich Cone Harvesters
Frank Huston Memorial
Fraser Valley Auto Mall
Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association
Fraser Valley Stage
Fraserway RV LLP
Frieda T. Wiens Memorial
Friends Of Abby / Reach for the Top
Gulf & Fraser
Geoff Brown Memorial
Geoff Cowell Memorial
Geoff Horner Memorial
Goetz Family Construction & Trades
Gregory Potocky Memorial
Greg Neufeld Music Award
Harry Sayers Memorial
Hartley & Roslin Lovick Memorial
Hurricanes Vaisakhi Educational
Jacob Wilson Memorial
James Fisher Memorial
Jerry Alamwala Memorial
Jerry Seikhon Memorial
Jill Nelson Memorial
Jim Anderson Memorial
John A. & Muriel Murphy Memorial
Joshua Jensen Memorial
Joyce Primrose Memorial
Judith Ratzlaff Memorial
Kari Bell Memorial
Katie McKenzie Memorial
Kerkhoff Technologies
Kevin Lloyd Memorial
Kody Ramsay “Inspirational”
Ledgeview Legacy
Legacy Productions
Leslie Forman Registered Nurse Memorial
Let’s Keep The Dream Alive
Linda Marie (Busch) Jacobsen Memorial
Main Chance
Marcus Ortner – Personal Real Estate Corp.
Marion de Wit Memorial
Mark Redekop Memorial
Mary Selby Memorial
Medical Tower Drugs
Mierau Contractors Ltd.
Mt. Lehman Community Association
Multicultural Diversity
Natasha Buttar Memorial
National High School Theatre Festival
Overlanders Manufacturing
Pat & Dennis Healey
Patricia Huston Memorial
Percy Darling Memorial
Peter Dobson Memorial Golf
Rachel Thiessen Memorial
Raghbir Riarh Memorial Bursary Award
RDM Lawyers LLP
RHSS Social Innovation Award
RICOH Canada
RISE Annual Scholarship
Robert & Birgit Bateman
Robert Bateman Secondary Fine Art/Technology
Robert Bateman Secondary PAC
Rotary Club of Abbotsford – Matsqui
Rotary Club of Abbotsford Sumas – Service Above Self
Rotary Club of Abbotsford Sumas – Triumph Over Adversity
Run for Water Global Development
Satnam Kaur Sidhu Memorial
Sam Posthumus Memorial
Samuel & Isabella Gardner Memorial
Sean Phillips Memorial
Shane Travis Memorial
Spencer Lightburn Memorial
Tena Venema Memorial Endowment for Education
The Honda Way
Tony Anning Memorial
Trevor Paul Dueck Memorial
Tri-Link Systems Inc.
Vandell Student Award
Varing Marketing Group
Vicky Bach Memorial Nursing
William A. & Violet Mercer Memorial
W.J. Mouat Grad
William J. Mouat Memorial
Yale Lions Excellence
Yvonne Potter Memorial

We respectfully acknowledge that we are located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Stó:lō people, the Semá:th First Nation and Mathxwí First Nation. We respect the longstanding relationships that Indigenous Nations have to this land, as they are the original caretakers. As Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, we share the responsibility for the continued stewardship of this beautiful land.