The Community Prosperity Fund (CPF) is a $25 million investment from the Government of BC that advances poverty reduction and social inclusion – announced on the inaugural BC Nonprofit Day. The CPF is part of the Government of BC’s commitment to supporting the non-profit sector and empowering communities to make local decisions through local community foundations. Here at ACF we are distributing funds through an open call for applications, please see this map on Vancouver Foundation’s website to see which Community Foundation you fall under.
This fund gives you the space to complete your best work. You have up to three years for your activities, giving you space you implement the funding over time and in a way that works best for your organization. What if you only need one year? That’s also great. You know best what you need.
This funding focuses on making a difference for people at the community level who are struggling during a time of global inflation. You know best what would benefit your community most, whether that’s supporting your organization’s operational expenses or supporting your project delivery. Funding for operational expenses can contribute to your organization’s long-term, resiliency. This includes investment in digital infrastructure, support for staff training, developing organizational strategies and policies, salaries, rent and other organizational costs.
Eligibility Requirements
- You are a charity, a non-profit organization, or an Indigenous-serving organization.
- Non-qualifies donees are eligible to apply for this funding, however you need to work with a sponsored organization to apply. Please carefully read the Applicant Guide for additional information.
- You must support communities in British Columbia.
- You have not received funding from the Lighthouse Organizations Fund*, Recovery & Resiliency Fund or LEVEL BIPOC Grants.
- * Organizations who applied to Lighthouse Organizations Fund can also apply to the Community Prosperity Fund as applications are still under review. If your organization receives a grant from the Lighthouse Organizations Fund, the Vancouver Foundation team will withdraw your CPF application to provide an equitable opportunity for other organizations to access funding.
We encourage interested applicants to review pages 8 through 11 of the Application Guide to understand the eligible activities and expenses funded through the Community Prosperity Fund.
Applications open: May 24th, 2024.
Application close: June 24th, 2024.
Application review period: June 24th – July 22nd, 2024.
Final decisions communicated via email: August 30th, 2024.
Activities must end: June 30, 2027.
How to Apply
Organization may submit one application for funding. Applications are accepted through an online application portal from May 24 – June 24. Please review all applicant resources and program details before applying. If you’d like to prepare before starting an online application, here is a PDF version of the application only to be used for preparation. All applications must be submitted through the online portal.