Whether your family moved here five years ago or 100 years ago makes no difference. You have a story about how you or your family got here and why. Your story tells us what’s important to you and to your family. It tells us what they value and how their lives reflect their values.
Maybe your dad coached hockey, or your mom was the president of your school’s Parent Advisory Committee. Maybe your family ran a business or a farm. Maybe your family came here from another country or another province. At some point, a decision was made to live here in Abbotsford and this is your home.

The Abbotsford Legacy Stories program offers participants an opportunity to leave both a financial and historical legacy to their community. A donor makes a promise to leave a bequest to a fund held by the Abbotsford Community Foundation and their family story is inscribed in the Abbotsford Legacy Stories book on display at The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford and on the Foundation’s website.
There is no cost to participate. We provide a writer who will interview you. The stories are placed into a special leather-bound book. When you sign your story, you agree that you will leave a bequest for a fund held by the Abbotsford Community Foundation. Signers receive a copy of their story.

Donors may leave a bequest to support an existing donor designated or student award fund, including endowments established by local charities or ACF’s Smart and Caring Community Fund supporting local charitable projects or programs. If you prefer, you can establish a named fund for a specific charity, new scholarship or area of interest. To participate, complete the online form below.
If you would like to tell your story, complete the Abbotsford Legacy Stories Participation Form.